huawei e220 mac
以下安裝步驟以配備IntelCoreDuo處理器並安裝MacOSX10.4.x作業系統之AppleMacBook安裝為例:HUAWEIE220HSDPAMAC驅動程式 ...,Learnabout'CompatibilitywithmacOS11.0'.Findallusageguide,troubleshootingtipsandresourcesforyourHUAWEIproduct.,HiIamusingaHuaweiUS...
圖文:蘋果的作業系統,10.5Leopard,對於3G無線網路卡的支援度如何呢?Stanley就來為大家做個測試,順便教學在10.5下整個使用3G ...
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Compatibility with macOS 11.0
Learn about 'Compatibility with macOS 11.0'. Find all usage guide, troubleshooting tips and resources for your HUAWEI product.
Huawei USB Modem E220
Hi I am using a Huawei USB Modem E220 which I received with a software called Mobile Connect from my provider.
Mac OS X with HuaWei E220 3G Modem
I uses the HuaWei E220 modem (from Maxis) to connect to my Digi 3G Broadband, and the problem comes in where Mac OS X 10.5 will crashes once in a while with it.
[PDF] E220數據卡MAC 安裝指導書
6. 打開「系統偏好設定> 網路」,選擇「HUAWEI Mobile」;在. 「PPP」設定畫面的電話號碼欄位中輸入「*99#」,在「數據機」. 設定畫面中選擇「HUAWEI Mobile Connect-3G Modem ...